Bio-Vibrational Scientist's Prayer
IAM, Divine Source supernatural power we come in the frequency of gratitude and multiplication. Position us for success, protect us under the wings of your wisdom. We ask you for strength and restoration of our positive expectations. Relieve us of our phobias, elevate us above our fears and deliver us from evil. IAM, Divine Source and supernatural power, restore unto us the days of our youth and grant to us the Position of Motivation, Inspiration and Dedication to make unto you a body worthy of your presence. Let our lips yearn for natural and healthy food, let our minds be in the presence of higher vibrations. By the power of all that is in the IAM vibration, let us experience sustainable peace, supernatural increase, and only positive surprises. Bless our marriages and anoint our homes with your Joy Vibration. Let us smile in the midst of darkness and make all we do successful. Let us experience your vibration continuously through the day and guide us away from self destructive habits. Let your gentle voice and loving guidance speak louder than doubt, overcome and be amplified over fear. Protect our seed and youth from approval addiction, the temptation of stupidity and the lure of the spirit of laziness. Let them be a glory for your namesake to all that we have learned in the Science. IAM Divine Source supernatural power we rise to give thanks for your character and positive attitude which now abides in us. We give thanks for your Sacred ancient text which arises in our minds like a beautiful song of eternal melody. We praise and marvel at your works in our lives, we bathe in your love. Teach us oh wise one how to live, how to give and how to receive. Wipe our minds of the past and imprint upon our minds the promises of the future. Remind us of the plans you have for us. Stretch us beyond old mindsets of limitation and wrap us in the gifts of our future. Oh IAM let us perceive in faith and speak in positive expectation. Let us walk in power and never feel insecure. Let us feel your presence throughout the day. Fill our dreams with glee and our days with laughter, restore unto us the days of Optimism. IAM supernatural power and Divine Source let our creative ideas not be devalued by fear of rejection or a sense of inferiority. Let us recognize our genius and celebrate our successes. Give us the strength to resist material reasoning and bypass the guilt of being favored above the desolate. Bless those who bless us, deter from us those who work against us, shut up the mouth of negative suggestion.
IAM Divine Source supernatural power let our legs be strong our stomachs be free of disease and our hearts yearning for physical fitness and discipline. Let our decisions lead us beside still waters, let us lay down in green pastures. Remind us of your principles laws and promises, let the words of the ancient text be for us a guide through the valley. Place your positive energetic beings as bodyguards around our children, let those who seek to harm them fall into the pit in front of the hedge and high wall you have built around them. Oh IAM Divine Source supernatural power Bless the Science and the Scientists with supernatural power to build your kingdom in the earth and multiply your teaching in the earth. Let every mountain be filled with the sound of your sacred tone, let the vow of positivity be on the lips of every person. Restore to the earth the days of Eden and let us abide in heavenly consciousness. Let us be glad to see the morning and resist sleep for the joy of being alive and in your vibration. Let laughter Fill our homes and wealth Fill our accounts and wisdom Fill our hearts. Surround us with passionate positivity and loving friends who know not the thought of betrayal nor live under the influence of material reasoning nor those who love the social fantasy. IAM we love you, your ways and your truth are more than rubies, gold or precious stones. You are our rock guide us away from weary states, we find rest in your peace and we are renewed by your Divine Mind. Thank you for the positivity that is entering our minds at this very moment. Thank you that we are never lost in a space where you can't find us. Thank you that your provision is more than enough and is always exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. You are the ultimate partner parent provider and friend. We desire to walk worthy of your love, to be disciplined and true to your Science. Fill our hearts with your love and we will not bow down to lesser people. We will provide you with our goals and we know that whatever we want whenever we want however we want will always be released and manifested into our lives by the power of all that is in the IAM vibration and Divine Mind. We thank You for this prayer being already manifested! Ase, Amen, IAM